About Us

“To promote the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all people.”

Since 1923, we have been engaging energy leaders throughout the world to meet whole energy system challenges.

We define, enable and accelerate successful energy transitions while maintaining a technology and resource neutral global perspective and through the widespread use of a flexible Transition Leadership Toolkit, insight, interactive events and dynamic platforms to delivery strategic moments of impact.

The Council has embarked on a journey with a fresh focus on collaborative innovation, which is not only about new technologies, but requires system-wide collaboration to unlock exponential growth opportunities and successfully manage energy transitions at all scales.

We are a global energy transition platform, pulling together the different parts of intelligent leadership, we catalyse smart and informed dialogue. Most of all, we try and curate new experiences which are fundamental to having the practical knowledge to actually move the needle on secure, affordable and inclusive energy transition.

The true strength of the World Energy Council comes from its network of over 3,000 member organisations in around 90 countries

The Council is the world’s leading member-based global energy network and the only truly international and impartial energy organisation. We are independent and non-political, working dynamically across the whole energy sector. 

We are member-driven, stakeholder-focused and work across and in support of the energy communities regardless of country, sector, region, resource, or technology. 

The World Energy Council has developed an interactive tool - The World Energy Issues Monitor. The Monitor is an annual reality check of 2,000+ leaders worldwide focusing on the challenges of energy transition.

The maps present the key energy issues, regional and local variances, and how these have changed over time. The tool allows the preparation of different maps for comparison. You can manipulate data by geography, time or by highlighting specific energy issues.

This tool can be used by energy leaders, shapers and innovators to understand regional perspective about national and global energy transitions. The Issues Monitor tool provides a window to the issues, concerns and action priorities that global energy leaders are focused on. 

Try the free interactive tool now.

Our mission focuses on a sustainable energy future. Globally, a billion people live without access to energy infrastructure. Climate targets are missed. Pressure increases on energy security. A balance between energy security, equity and the environment must be met in order to achieve sustainability.

With this in mind the World Energy Council has developed the Energy Trilemma Index, which enables better policy development by providing a clear framework to deliver the energy transformation and make sustainable energy systems a reality.

The World Energy Council’s membership and remit spans the entire global energy landscape. This includes public and private sector organisations, technology, and information. The Council informs the energy debate and provides practical tools to support impact communities in accelerating transition efforts.

The Energy Transition Toolkit can be used to generate quality dialogue with a diversity of energy stakeholders across the value chain. The goal is to encourage collaborative action, including experimentation, futures thinking, and empowering sustainable transactions. The Toolkit comprises five Insights Tools and provides ideas on how to use them to analyse and address energy transition challenges.

The World Energy Council invests in the research, tools, platforms and communities required to accelerate energy transition.

The World Energy Council was created in 1923, when visionary Daniel Dunlop brought together 40 countries to discuss the problems facing the global energy industry. Ever since, the World Energy Council has been non-governmental and non-commercial. The Council has withstood many changes, from geopolitical and economic upheavals to a complete shift in the way people understand and use energy. It has had to adapt to a changing world. Throughout history, it has never strayed from the initial concept of an organisation that is impartial, objective and realistic. As a result, its analyses and agendas for action have always promoted sustainable energy for all.

Today, The World Energy Council has almost 100 national member committees. Its member list includes governments, businesses and expert organisations. The World Energy Congress, held over 20 times since the organisation’s founding, is the world’s premier energy gathering. The World Energy Council continues to build on its long, stable history as a key player on the global energy scene.

Our history

The World Energy Council is both a registered charity and a trading subsidiary. The Council's activities are coordinated through its secretariat in London.

The World Energy Council has Member Committees in nearly 100 countries with its secretariat based in London.  The work we do is varied and we enjoy working with bright and talented individuals to help accomplish our mission of sustainable energy for all.


World Energy Council - the global energy network
World Energy Council - the global energy network
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How We Work

The World Energy Council is the world’s principal and impartial network of energy leaders, pioneers and practitioners

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Engage in strategic dialogue with the energy leaders of today and the future, build capabilities and help shape the energy future

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Created in 1923, the World Energy Council is the world’s leading member-based energy network

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Engage in strategic dialogue with the energy leaders of today and the future, build capabilities and help shape the energy future.