World Energy Issues Monitor

World Energy Issues Monitor

In an era where the energy landscape is undergoing faster and fundamental transformation, energy leaders must pay attention to many different signals of change and distinguish key issues from the noise.

The World Energy Council has been tracking energy leaders’ perspectives on the issues affecting the sector through its annual World Energy Issues Monitor. By asking policy makers, CEOs and leading industry experts to assess the level of impact and uncertainty they attribute to a range of energy transition issues, the World Energy Issues Monitor provides unique insight into: a) the Action Priorities or areas where countries are acting pragmatically to progress energy transition; and b) the Critical Uncertainties or issues viewed as areas of concern, and how these have evolved over time.

The Issues Survey captures 25 core energy transition issues across 5 categories:

  1. Global trends and macroeconomics
  2. Social dynamics
  3. New technologies
  4. Energy policy and business environment
  5. Environment

The World Energy Issues Monitor is widely used by the World Energy Council’s Member Committees and the global energy community as a “reality check” tool, offering a horizon-scan of perspectives on energy transitions from a country’s own energy stakeholders. These perspectives are presented in combination with regional-level commentaries and country-level Issues Maps to inform decision-making discussions by:

  • Promoting a shared understanding of successful energy transitions
  • Understanding how energy transitions are perceived by sector stakeholders in relation to national and regional energy strategies
  • Appreciating and contrasting regional variations to better understand differing priorities and areas of concern
  • Following the evolution of specific economic, social, technology, political, business and environmental trends related to the energy sector

World Energy Issues Monitor 2022

Energy in Uproar: Achieving Commitments through Community Action

It's a pivotal time for energy transitions. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to overshadow global economies, and the pathway to recovery remains uncertain. Set against this backdrop and undertaken immediately following COP26, this annual edition of the World Energy Issues Monitor represents a snapshot of the views of nearly 2,200 energy leaders from 91 countries.

Based on data collection carried out between November and December 2021, the global report provides unique insight into what energy leaders perceived as the risks, opportunities and action priorities at a pivotal moment for the sector. Key findings from this edition:

  • Uncertainties increase again, across the board. The most striking finding of this year’s Global Energy Issues Map is the enormous degree of uncertainty ascribed to almost all the issues energy leaders were asked to assess.
  • Equity related concerns highlight the need to humanise the energy conversation. In this survey iteration, issues that affect energy equity such as Commodity Prices, Affordability, Quality Energy Access and Market Design have seen the sharpest increase in impact and uncertainty compared with 2020.
  • Priority is to work collaboratively to turn critical uncertainties into action priorities. The Action Priorities area of the map is even less populated this year compared to previous years, pointing to an energy leaders’ perspective which signals the importance of stabilising Critical Uncertainties and finding practical ways to reach a point of greater confidence. There is too high a degree of uncertainty across all dimensions to allow for stable route mapping which, in turn risks leading to further inaction. 


World Energy Issues Monitor 2022
World Energy Issues Monitor 2022
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Regional Perspectives - World Energy Issues Monitor 2022
Regional Perspectives - World Energy Issues Monitor 2022
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