Switzerland Member Committee

Schweizerischer Energierat

Conseil Suisse de l'énergie

The Swiss Energy Council is a founding member of the World Energy Council, the network of energy leaders for a sustainable energy future. It is a non-governmental organisation that brings together all actors in the energy world including energy consumers’ representation bodies, members of academia, government and industry. All of the Council’s activities are dedicated to the promotion of an internationally based, affordable and reliable supply of energy for Switzerland.

Daniel Hofer is a lawyer and entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience as CEO and CFO (Executive Board) of private and listed companies, with core competencies in strategy, M&A, corporate finance & governance, market and corporate development as well as business development through co-operations and innovations. 

He has been President of the Swiss Energy Council since 2020 and represents the overarching discussion platform of the energy sector, business and science for the central issues of future energy supply. The Energy Council communicates and interprets facts and contexts of the international energy markets. "In this way, it contributes to broadening the basis for energy policy dialogue in Switzerland.  

Furthermore, since 2016 he has been the president of Avenergy Suisse, the Swiss association representing the interests of importers and manufacturers of oil-based fuels, and president of the Climate Protection and CO2 Compensation Foundation KliK. 

In his positions, he is intensively involved in projects to minimize CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Ben Teufel leads the energy sector activities in TAS of Ernst & Young in Switzerland. He is a professional banker of Deutsche Bank and studied Management & Economics at the universities in Frankfurt, Germany and Zurich, Switzerland. He has multiple years of experience in management consulting for European energy companies as well as operational experience in the field of electric mobility. A selection of his skills include: Financial due diligences and valuations for transactions in the Swiss energy sector, Energy trading, Strategy development and Electric mobility.

Energy in Switzerland


World Energy Issues Monitor 2022
World Energy Issues Monitor 2022
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Energy Trilemma ranking
Energy Trilemma ranking
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